Cash On Delivery Available FREE Shipping
Returns And Exchange Policy
- Return policy is only applicable if you received a damaged / wrong product.
- If you believe that you have received the incorrect item, or if you are facing any issues such as bad fitting, damage during shipment, printing defects, you can send an email to within 5 calendar days of receiving the product, so we can resolve the issue immediately.
- While sending a return or exchange request, please attach the photos or videos of the damaged product with an email so that we can assure that you receive a defective item.
- Don’t send the product directly to our doorstep without prior application and confirmation of return/replacement or refund. After getting the confirmation from our customer support team, you can send damaged products to us.
- All the items should be returned in their original condition with a user manual, box cover. Our customer support team will review it and proceed further for the refund or exchange.
- Customers don’t need to return the product of the mobile casing and mouse pads category. As soon as our customer support team accepts your exchange/refund request, we will proceed accordingly.
- Other categories of products (except mobile casing and mouse pads) should be returned at our location if the customer wants exchange/refund.
- Exchange/return will proceed after we receive the product, if the product belongs to the category where the customer needs to ship the product back to us, from the customer and reviewed & approved by our customer support team.
- We will dispatch an exchanged product after receiving a damaged product at our sole discretion within 5 working days.